We operate a true
family office with over
200 services
We Improve After-Tax Returns
Tax Efficient Asset Management Solutions (TEAMS)
We help our clients identify unnecessary taxes on income and wealth transfers. We work with tax attorneys to put in place solutions that reduce these taxes. Sample solutions are summarized at:
www.vfos.com/TaxPyramid (Solutions to reduce income taxes)
www.vfos.com/CGTaxPyramid (Solutions to reduce estate taxes)
When doing wealth transfer planning, the amount left for heirs can be as little as 10% of the initial amount if we fail to take into account estate and gift taxes (as high as 40%), capital gains taxes (38% in California), income taxes on interest (over 57% in California), IRD taxes, AMT taxes, and various corporate, excise, property, and sales taxes that can lower returns.
When doing income tax projections, it is often easy to identify millions of potential income tax savings related to tax-efficient asset management solutions. If taxes cause you to earn just 6% instead of 9% per year, this can result in $1,000,000 growing to just $5.7 million instead of $13.3 million over 30 years. Our Registered Investment Advisory firm, exists to help our clients avoid unnecessary taxes and accumulate more after-tax wealth for retirement, transfers to the family members, or gifts to favorite charities.
We employ seasoned professionals with Chartered Financial Analyst ("CFA") training as well as tax lawyers who know how to manage portfolios in tax-efficient trusts. We can arrange for you to meet with Evan Pan, CFA, at no-cost to review how we can help you accumulate more wealth if investing tax-efficiently.
Below are sample graphics that we can help customize for you. The following charts show how a client can generate more tax-efficient income each year through life expectancy. Receiving income from the best income sources below on the right can easily help a client save $1,000,000 or more in taxes across time.
If you would like to discuss how we can help you use tax-efficient investments and trusts to save more taxes now, please call 949-878-9406 to or email Hickson.Chen@vfos.com to schedule time to speak with us. You can also schedule time with Evan Pan, CFA, by clicking on the following link https://calendly.com/s/3HShGnE8.
Providing Financial
Solutions for Over 40 Years