We operate a true
family office with over
200 services

We offer five investment strategies that we can customize for you.

What Is a Family Office Registered Investment Advisory firm?

Silo #1

Legacy Endowment Model

The goal of this model is to invest in a similar manner as leading institutions like endowment and foundations. Their returns have been far superior than the broader market. In up markets and down markets, these institutions have invested well for the long term.

Strategy Description: Diversify Portfolio to include traditional long-only equity and bond managers but also include alternative strategies and asset classes such as hedge funds, private credit, private real estate.

Silo #2

Traditional Models

Key Partnership with Dimensional Fund Advisers.

There are five Risk models: Capital Preservation, Conservative, Balanced, Growth, Aggressive. Each of these models will have different risk and return profiles.

In order for us to determine the appropriate risk model, each investor will complete a Risk Tolerance Questionaire to determine the appropriate return and risk appetite.

The expected returns will differ between risk models (Capital Preservation 1-3%, Conservative 3-4%, Balanced 4-6%, Growth 6-8%, and Aggressive (9-11%).

The Risk models are 100% liquid and diversified across thousands of stocks.

Although liquid, the investment approach has a long term investment horizon.

Silo #3

Single Asset Manager

Single Manager Offering (s) where clients can see a selection of managers that we currently partner with (Private Credit, Private Real Estate, Hedge funds).

Very often our clients already have financial advisers that they work with but occassionally they are introduced to new stratgies and opportunities that are differentiated. We offer these unique managers and strategies to our clients.

Silo #4

Pan Global Advisers Diversified Fund (Fund of Funds)

Pan Global Advisers Diversified Fund is a pooled vehicle that aggregates clients assets to provide a diversified portfolio of alternative strategies with a low correlation to markets.

The fund will consist of 8-12 manager strategies, consisting of 1/3 Private 1st lien Trusts, Private Credit, and Real Estate Debt; 1/3 life settlement policies and 1/3 hedge funds long short equities.

Our clients and investors are attracted to this strategy because of the preferred 7% return and the stable performance.

Silo #5

Charitable Trusts (CRT, CLT, PIF, CLLC, etc.)

We manage various types of Trusts. One of the investments we create and develop are Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs).

Providing Financial
Solutions for Over 40 Years